Accurate and Precise
This dashboard is actually pulling directly from Amazons API and it refreshes every 12 hours. So this is something that is constantly being refreshed because if you’re a seller that is selling in multiple channels or has multiple Seller Central accounts and all this data everywhere. We have to log into every single one to see how the account is doing. That is very frustrating, especially if you’re a seller that sells a lot of products and having a dashboard as your integrated solution and this is something that you don’t need to always log in and go into into every time this is something that you can just easily open up and see and have all your data and one place and it can you be used as an executive dashboard just showing a high-level information or it can be
low-level information to get in the granular perspective of what products are doing well, where are most of the sells coming from, are there refunds, And things like that.
The Metrics Involved
you can even go with the demographics like right here where it shows sales by region. You can see what cities are where you’re most popular at and where most of your sales are coming from and there are even metrics in there showing how well how many percentage of your orders come from subscribe and save so that could be extremely valuable with 50% of your orders are coming through subscribe and save that’s extremely valuable to get more into it and to develop a better strategy to get more of your people on to subscribe and save because obviously its popular for that item and it just shows the data to make it more relevant and to really understand what– just to give you the data to make an informed decision. It will show you why people are refunding your product and will give you refund reasons and you’ll be able to easily see that cause if something’s– its to show something stands out to you. So if you have a particular refund and if the item you get a lot of refunds for the item being defective that should stand out to you so that way you can make a decision. But if you do it, you’re looking inside the Amazon platform, you have to go through seven different click-throughs and the information is not very easily seen and that’s the whole point of a dashboard is have all your information in one place where you can easily see it.